The team at Paris Biotech Santé is the only point of entry for the three levels of supports offered
The whole selection process is submitted to strict respect of confidentiality.
You’re applying for the PARIS SANTÉ COCHIN accelerator?
Go directly to “continue my application”
How to create a successful application for the incubator?
The prerequisites for your application
Paris Biotech Santé has an applications selection process following multiple criteria:
- Projets specifically dedicated to human health, innovative projects beneficial to the patient: new medication, new medical plans, innovative services, artificial intelligence applied to health, medical cosmetics…
- A team clearly focused on creating a company,
- Innovation,
- For medicine: proof of animal concept on a valid model of the disease,
- For a medical plan: a prototype,
- For a service company: a first platforme or programme tested by some users
- A patent registered or in the process of being registered